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Writer recieving Coaching


One-on-one Coaching

$75 Per Hour

Writing is a process of lifelong growth and learning.  No matter where we are in our development as writers, we can always grow. 


One-on-one writing coaching is one avenue for growth and is tailored to meet your specific need.  Coaching happens both on the phone and on the page in emails or Word documents.


Some examples of what we might work on


- Story outline development for a novel

- Scene writing

- Outlining a short story

- Article/blog post writing

- Grammar, mechanics, and usage

- Syntax

- Accountability 

- Exercises tailored to strengthen your weaknesses

- Exercises tailored to build on your strengths

- Inspiration, blocks, and building a writing habit

- Show vs tell

- Self-editing

- Clarity, concision, and consistency

- Developing voice and style

- How to develop research and self-teaching skills

- Deepening insight and expression.


The Deep Dimensions of Writing


Joan Didion has famously said, “I don’t know what I think until I write it down.”  I love this quote because it so aptly expresses the relationship of writing to thinking.  Writing helps us work out who we are, what we think, and what we have to contribute to the world around us.  In fact, I believe that writing is essentially a spiritual practice—neither in a “woo woo” sense or a religious sense, but in a very practical sense. 


Writing helps us look deeply into people, situations, and the world around us to identify the qualities being expressed and get to the heart of a matter.  It’s the way our core Self, who often gets lost in the day-to-day, speaks through us, to us.


If you’re looking to deepen your work and hone your craft, writing coaching may be for you.




It's important to find a coach that's the right fit. Email to set up for a free 20-minute phone consultation.

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to receive advice for the writing life, book recommendations, and more + get a FREE PDF copy of my Checklist for Self-Editing a Novel.



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